GOOD LEADER: Bluebird of Happiness
It is an elusive concept that denotes a likely non-existent creature people want to exist.
The problem is in the word “good,” which is a purely subjective judgment and cannot exist without context. Yet, once we establish it, we get lost. What is “good?” If we define a leader as a person who influences a group of people, the better he can do it, the “better” leader he is. Then Hitler was “a good leader,” as well as other bloodsuckers of the past and the present.
If we go for the results achieved, we will encounter a lot of influential leaders in the industry who were/are hated by their followers (employees) for being narcissistic, sociopathic, rude, etc.
If we try to define “a good leader” as a kind-hearted person, we will unlikely see leaders who have achieved much. We can start naming people who found themselves in positions of power, did not do anything spectacular, yet did not harm as well.
Sometimes, in lectures, we find out that “good leaders” leave little lasting impact on the country or a company. I suggest only using “good leader” as a tease.