NO ECPM? Listen to Your Heart!
If you have no ECPM system and cannot establish it, you might be better off gauging your emotional responses …
OMERTA: Just Another Case of Us Against Them
Omerta is a Southern Italian code of silence, honor, and conduct that prescribes silence in the face of questioning by authorities and non-cooperation with them …
ONE 'SIMMON MO': Almost Killed Brer Possum
It is a fallacy that prevents you from stopping the wrong activity, which you understand as inappropriate, as it gives you some pleasure …
PERMIES: Who Will Work if You Fire All the Loafers?
Often, permies are blamed for being lazy and ineffective …
PRIORITIZATION: All Things Are Created Unequal
When you have to spend your resources, start with the premise: "All things cannot be equally important” …
PROCRASTINATION: Avoiding the Mental Drag
You postpone doing something because you do not want to exert effort. Why? …
A project diary is a simple tool for recording events related to your project …
PROJECT. A Paramedic Approach
To evaluate the project fast, you must clarify its boundaries (the project's endpoint and the start and end times), its resources and their adequacy for the endpoint, how they are applied, and the certainty of these items …
PSEUDOMONEY: It Is like Real
Pseudomoney is any invested money that does not generate money in the foreseeable future …
REALITY: In Groups, We Better Share the Same Delusions
Although reality is defined as “the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be,” we can debate how the perceived reality reflects things “as they are” …
RED FLAGS: Things to Explore
Red flags are subjective emotional responses to events in your (work) life …
SAMPLING RATE: Control and Waste
Your project status updates, in essence, define the sampling period of the project. Make it too long, and you do not control the project; make it too small, and it will be the only thing you will be doing …
SELF-DISCIPLINE: No Skill Without It
Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself and, even in difficult situations, to put yourself within the boundaries of your will …
SIGNAL/NOISE: The Ratio to Increase
The signal-to-noise ratio is the ratio of meaningful input to meaningless or unwanted input …
SMALL WINS: Planned Motivation Boosters
“Small wins” is an approach usually sold as a motivation booster; however, it is also a healthy way to track your progress toward an endpoint …
STORY POINT: Measuring Life in Good Deeds
A story point estimates the effort required to fully implement a piece of work …
SUBJECTIVITY: Develop “The Same Page”
Much of our judgment is subjective and might only exist in our brains …
Success and failure are fundamental yet often subjective concepts, as their criteria can be easily formulated and inspected only at the task tier …